Works great! Had it for two months. Recommended over glass or standard vinyl - I've used both.
After my glass chair mat shattered into a thousand little pieces after 10 months of use (rated for 1000 lbs., it said), I had to go back to plastic. Couldn't go through that again. But I switched to glass for a reason! The vinyl mats - even the thickest ones (which I have bought in the past) - still deform under the chair wheels, making it hard to roll. Then after a number of years the vinyl wears out and cracks where the wheels roll on it. Lovely. Trying to find another solution I came across this one. Perfect! I've used it a couple of months now on my medium pile rug. This mat is wonderfully rigid and doesn't deform, just like the glass mat, at like 1/3 the weight of the glass mat. Recommended!